Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Cooler temps to offer some reprieve from the heat

To most, the last week came as quite a shock after the abnormally cool and wet May we just experienced. The average temperature in May was 53.0 degrees (just short of the top 10 coolest Mays, but well below average) but has since spiked to 67.9 in the first week of June. Denver has already recorded three 90 degree days this month (NWS). This heat wave, however, is expected to be moving out over the 12 hours or so, allowing for cooler temperatures to settle in. Several disturbance will make this possible, with even a chance for scattered showers accompanying the cooler weather Wednesday evening through Friday. Highs on Thursday and Friday are expected to stay in the lower 70s.

Temps should warm back to the low 80s as we head into the weekend and early next week, but it looks like the 90s will take there time returning.


Bikerjohn said...

East Longmont = 0.12" precip overnight - with nice lightning and thunder!

Anonymous said...

Nothing in Denver where we are... but could see quite a bit of lightning in the distance!

Bikerjohn said...

East Longmont (6/19-6/20) 0.54" of wonderful water last night! Very little thunder here for a couple of days.